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This is applicable to ALL test limits in the DTX CableAnalyzer where a Return Loss measurement is made.

When?the Insertion Loss is less than 3.0 dB at the frequency point where the measurement is made, then the Return Loss measurement is ignored and not evaluated against the selected Test Limit/Cabling Standard in the DTX CableAnalyzer.This is often referred to as the?3 dB rule.It applies to ALL cabling standards/test limits in the DTX CableAnalyzer.

On a short?link,
the Insertion Loss may never reach 3.0 dB.If that were to happen, then the entire measurement would be?ignored, or as the cabling standards phrase it; “recorded for information only”.If this were to happen with your DTX CableAnalyzer, you would see an “i” appear next to the summary result for that test parameter.In LinkWare software, the result would be recorded with “N/A’.An example is shown below:

Concern is normally caused when the result has a negative margin.In this example we see the Return Loss margin was -2.2. A?negative margin is normally associated with a FAIL, but because the entire link never exceeded 3.0 dB Insertion Loss, it is not a FAIL.

Let’s review in detail how this works by looking at another example test result.

A TIA Cat 5e Perm.Link AUTOTEST was run on a 29.0 m installed link, giving the following result:

Looks normal – very nice margins.Let’s take a look at the Return Loss result in a little more detail:

You will observe that?the limit line has two colors, black and red.The cabling standards do not require the cable tester manufacturer to display where the?3 dB rule is implemented to the user, only that it is implemented.However, the DTX CableAnalyzer will indicate where the 3 dB rule has been implemented by changing the color of the limit line.If the?limit line is black, it?indicates that the Insertion Loss was less than 3.0 dB.If the?limit line is red, the Insertion Loss was 3.0 dB or greater.So for this Pair 3,6 the Return Loss?is not evaluated below 29.3 MHz. Let’s take a quick look at the Insertion Loss for Pair 3,6:

As you can see, the Insertion Loss reached 3.0 dB at 29.3 MHz, as previously indicated in the Return Loss Pair 3,6 graph above.

It’s an interesting rule, because if it were not in place, our margin for the above result would reduce from 10.2 dB to 9.0 dB:

As previously mentioned, if the link is particularly short, then the Insertion Loss may never reach 3.0 dB and the entire Return Loss?result is “ignored”.Let’s take a closer look at the first example where the test result was:

Looking at the worst case Return Loss result, we see the entire limit line is black, suggesting that the Insertion Loss for Pair?3,6 never reached 3.0 dB:

Looking at the Insertion Loss for Pair 3,6:

We see that the Insertion did indeed never reach 3.0 dB, so the entire measurement is not evaluated against the limit line (ignored) and recorded as “i” Information Only.If this result was downloaded to LinkWare Software, the report would show N/A against this measurement:

No further action is required by the installer.This is a valid standards compliant result.


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【3dB 原則】RL 通過?失??? – 數(shù)據(jù)電纜測試入門和常見測試問題解答 http://qqmmqq.cn/archives/3db-rule-rl.html http://qqmmqq.cn/archives/3db-rule-rl.html#comments Fri, 08 Sep 2017 05:43:22 +0000 深圳連訊 http://qqmmqq.cn/?p=9254 【3dB 原則】RL 通過?失敗??如果一條鏈路測得的衰減值不大,這通常意味著這條鏈路不長,傳過來的信號較強。那么,此時即便回波信號較強,信噪比 S/N 也不會太低,接收端仍能很好地分辨出信號。所以,當你發(fā)現(xiàn)測試的回波損耗值超標但測試結(jié)果卻標示為“通過”時,就是 3dB 原則在起作用了(3dB 損耗大約對應 10-15 米線對長度)。國際標準 ISO11801 和 TIA568C 都對此做了規(guī)定。此規(guī)定偏向于布線產(chǎn)品供應商。簡單地說就是:鏈路短即便回波強也不怕。

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鏈路太短應小心近端串擾和回波損耗 http://qqmmqq.cn/archives/proximal-crosstalk-and-return-loss.html http://qqmmqq.cn/archives/proximal-crosstalk-and-return-loss.html#comments Wed, 08 Dec 2010 02:15:06 +0000 深圳連訊 http://qqmmqq.cn/?p=337 在普通建筑的綜合布線設(shè)計、施工、驗收中,長度往往是最為關(guān)注的問題。由于銅導體其固有的電阻屬性導致銅纜的傳輸距離不可能太長,為此TIA組織制訂了最長90米的鏈路、最長100米的通道標準,更多的人關(guān)注的是能不能把銅纜的傳輸距離傳播的更遠一些。


在信號傳輸過程中,信號碰到特性阻抗不連續(xù)的地方(端接模塊、線纜扭曲擠壓),會有較強的反射信號回來。如果鏈路較短,強烈的反射信號得不到足夠的衰減,在信號發(fā)送端就會檢測到較強的回波信號,大的反射信號可能會被看成接收的信號,這種效應會產(chǎn)生誤碼,測試也就會造成回波損耗測試失敗。就像粗水管的水進入細水管時,水流會倒回。標準委員會注意到了此現(xiàn)象,在TIA組織發(fā)布了568B六類布線標準之后,緊接著發(fā)布了TIA 568B.2-3。在附錄中對短鏈路的插入損耗、回波損耗的判斷做了修訂,引入3dB原則。當被測的鏈路插入損耗小于3dB時,回波損耗性能可以忽略,不作為判斷鏈路總體性能的通過與否的依據(jù)。






4、在施工過程中,及時發(fā)現(xiàn) ,盡早解決。

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